a. If someone starts frequenting your favourite sandwich shop you can be annoyed, as the shop will no longer have as much time to devote to your sandwiches, but you cannot be pissed, because you understand that the sandwich shop needs customers. If, however, that person tries to get the sandwich shop to close and become their personal caterer you are fully allowed to be angry.
b. You don't ask the shop to start making you a sandwich if you can't pay for it, you don't make boys think there will be sex if you don't put out. You can ask the shop for free water, but you have to be up front that it's all you want.
c. If the sandwich shop gives you a shitty sandwich you are allowed to inform all your friends to help them avoid it.
d. But no one wants to hear every detail of your last visit to the sandwich shop. We really don't care what you had for lunch.
e. Don't order a sandwich with jalapenos if you don't like it when your mouth burns. Don't have random sex if you can't handle it being meaningless.
f. You don't pee on the floor of the sandwich shop. You don't pee in boys' beds. If the sandwich shop employee invites you in when you're obviously too drunk to control your bladder it's his own damn fault, if a boy takes you to his bed when you're fucked up enough to pee it he's a rapist.
The sandwich shop rules are great, if you follow them everyone will be happier and we will finally achieve world peace.
And, yeah, I pay for sandwiches and not for sex. But if I took my shirt off in the sandwich shop, you can be damn sure I'd be getting that for free too.